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Favourite Graphic Designers: Aaron Draplin

If I had to pick just one designer whose work I really envy—it has to be Aaron Draplin. His use of solid colours and thick lines make his work distinct and unique. Whenever you look at his design pieces—be it a logo or a poster—you can’t but just drool over how visually stunning they look.

A selection of logos designed by Aaron Draplin

In my personal design work, I try to draw inspiration from Aaron. Especially how he designs his logos—giving it a timeless look—almost as it was designed by early graphic design legends.

His Instagram account is something I’d definitely recommend a gander, especially if you are willing to scroll way back in time to see his amazing collections of ‘lost graphic design‘ work that he finds in scrapyards and yard sales.

Some links on Aaron Draplin you should definitely check out: